Join Us!
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Choose your state. Select 'Foreign State' if outside the USA.
Enter your zip code
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Enter a valid email address
Enter your primary phone number
Let us know If you already have an event developed
Former member
Choose if you are a current BFA member
Membership provides resources that may help with your event.
Competition Events
Fiesta/Fun Flying Events
Balloon Ride Events
What best describes the type of events your group expects to hold? We understand that some events have several of these.
Event Organizer
Event Staff
Event Official
Chamber/Visitors Bureau Officer
Balloon Pilot
What best describes your position relative to events? It could also be the position you hope to achieve.
Event organization
Ride-based events
Competitive events
Event Auxiliary Entertainment
New Event Technology
Pilot Recruitment and Screening
Tether & Ride Operations
Learning more about officiating balloon events
Working with the FAA, FSDO and FSIMS
Insurance, legal and risk management
Accident and crisis management
Sponsorship development
Event finance and budget
Check any subject. You may select multiple subjects.
I'm new to balloons
What is your level of knowledge regarding hot air balloon events?
Full Registration (after 01/12/25) - $350.00
Guest, includes complete food, beverage & welcome reception - $185.00
Welcome Reception Only - $85.00
Select the category for your registration. Use the section below for additional attendees.
Full Registration (additional attendee) - $300.00
No additional attendees
Select the category for this person's registration.
Pay By Credit Card
Pay By Check
Choose to pay by credit card or check.
Enter name of cardholder
Enter the Credit Card Number
Enter the expiration month and year.
Enter the 3 or 4 digit security code
Enter the Credit Card Expiration Year
If you would like to leave a note with the BFA office regarding your registration, type it here.