
2024 BFA Video Seminar Registration


Testing can begin as soon as all videos are watched.


Seminar attendees must be paid BFA members in order to view the videos. It is easier to join online before registering if you wish to take the seminar the same day.


NOTE: BFA members may watch any of the videos without registering. You only need to register if you are seeking insurance credits.





Speaker List

  • Alex McCarthy - Weather
  • Chase Donner - Crewing for Competition
  • Dean Carlton - Aeronatical Decision Making
  • Ed Devore - Checklist management
  • Matt Saal - Perspectives from a farmer
  • Andy Baird - Accident Review
  • Dave Sullivan - Repairs and Maintenance DIY
  • Dennis Helmuth - Medical Conditions and Flying
  • Ryan Carlton / Gordon Schwontkowski - Powerline Safety

Any fields marked (*) are required.

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Choose if you are a current BFA member

Enter your first name

Enter your last name

Please enter your street address

Enter your city

Choose your state. Select 'Foreign State' if outside the USA.

Choose your state. Select 'Foreign State' if outside the USA.

Enter the zip code of your area

Enter your zip code

Enter your email address

Enter a valid email address

Invalid Input

Enter your flying status.

Invalid Input

Enter your BFA Number. It is in the top right of this screen if you logged in. Call the office at (515) 961-8809 if you need help.

Enter your primary phone number

Enter your primary phone number

Enter the insurance company you would like us to notify of your completion.

Enter the insurance company you would like us to notify of your completion.

Invalid Input

Let us know if you are a member of any balloon clubs.

Invalid Input

Let us know if you participated last year.

Invalid Input

Tell us the city of the seminar(s) you attended, if any.


Invalid Input

Select your category based on your flying status and membership. For Non-BFA members these prices include seminar registration and full BFA membership.

Invalid Input

If you would like to leave a note with the BFA office
regarding your registration, type it here.


Choose to pay by credit card or by mailing us a check

If paying by check, please SKIP this section.
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

The 3 or 4 digit security code for the card.

Invalid Input

Select the month the card expires

Invalid Input

Full name of cardholder

Invalid Input

Enter the mailing address for the card

Invalid Input

Enter the city for the cardholder

Invalid Input

Enter the state for the cardholder

Invalid Input

Enter the country of the cardholder

Invalid Input

Zip code for the cardholder

Invalid Input

Phone number for the cardholder

try again....


Note: When you press the SUBMIT button, the system will process
your credit card (if selected) and charge your account.
