
Calendar Event Submission

Got an event you want on the BFA calendar?

Complete this form to submit your event information.

Events will be reviewed and then posted.


Any fields marked (*) are required.
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Enter your email address. This will help us if we have questions about your submission.

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Was this event previously listed on the BFA calendar?

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Tell us the name of the place where the event will be held.

Please enter an address.

Street address for the event

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The city where the event is held.

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The state where the event is held.

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Enter the zip code for the venue.

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Enter the country of the venue

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The website for the venue (not necessarily the event)

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Give us a description of the venue. Directions, highlights, etc.

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Enter the name of the contact at the venue

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Enter the email for the venue contact.

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Give us the name of the event.

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Enter the starting date of the event.

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Enter the ending date of the event.

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Enter a starting time (if important)

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Enter a ending time (if important)

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If you entered start and ending times, please add the time zone

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Choose the proper category for the event. You can choose more than one.

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Give us a detailed description of the event. More information is better! This box is expandable.

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Enter the name of the contact for the event.

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Enter the email address for the event director.

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Enter the website for the event (if any)

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This keeps the internet robots at bay.

If you are happy with your entry, please press the SUBMIT button.