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Chesapeake Bay Balloon Festival
From Friday, August 23, 2024
To Sunday, August 25, 2024

In its 8th year, the festival was developed as an agritourism program by Alex and Terri Spies, to bring awareness to their small family farm and winery, Triple Creek Vineyards in Cordova, MD.

The Spies chose Harford County for the new location because the County's focus on agritourism and preserving farmland was so well aligned with their purpose. The festival will both benefit Harford Land Trust and also help launch American Farm Foundation, whose mission is to refocus attention on educating Americans about agriculture, innovating solutions to improve the economics for small family farmers to keep feeding America, and connecting American consumers with small family farmers.

The strategy behind the festival is to use entertainment to educate about agriculture.



Location Cedar Lane Regional Park, 1100 Cedar Lane, Bel Air MD 21015
