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Adirondack Balloon Festival
From Thursday, September 18, 2025
To Sunday, September 21, 2025

52nd Anniversary Celebrations. Flight of 60+ balloons including special shape balloons. Fun activities for kids, kite flying, rock climbing wall, Balloon Art Show, military aircraft display. This is a MUST SEE EVENT!! All balloon events are held weather permitting. In the afternoon, when the balloons don't fly, the festival has musical entertainment, travel exhibits, kite flying and aircraft displays.

It is one of the top 100 events in the country according to event goers of the American Bus Association! It is the ONLY reason to get up at 5AM, so if you are looking for something GREAT to do this weekend... this is it.

No dogs permitted. Balloon Flight Schedules Weather Permitting.




Location Floyd Bennet Memorial Airport, 443 Queensbury Avenue, Queensbury, New York
