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Balloons Over Marine Festival
From Friday, September 27, 2024
To Saturday, September 28, 2024

10th Annual. The event will feature launches on Friday and Saturday evening, and a sunrise launch on Saturday morning, and a balloon glow on Saturday evening.

In addition to the main event, many aviation activites and displays will be available for attendees, to enjoy; as well as, activities, food, drinks, a bounce house, and much more.

This event will draw attendees from many surrounding areas and gain attention to not only the Village of Marine, but the sponsors as well. Therefore, the committee is contacting all local businesses and individuals for sponsorship opportunities.

The little village of Marine, population 1000, is in Southern Illinois near St. Louis accessible from I-70 Exits 18 & 21. Marine is on Rt. 143 between the cities of Edwardsville and Highland.




Location 155 North Duncn Street, Marine, Illnois 62061