From Friday, June 06, 2025
To Saturday, June 07, 2025
Contact Tami and Amy Tasker
We are excited to be hosting the 18th Hot Air Balloon Shoot-Out. The skies will be filled with familiar hot air balloons as well as a few new ones. The pilots are excited to be coming back and are hoping to give you a good show! Make sure you get to the launch field on Friday and Saturday night.
We will be hosting 16 hot air balloon pilots as we come together to celebrate what is great about ballooning. This group of visitors are a tight knit community that have welcomed many Carson City residents into their 'family' as crew members as well as future pilots. We extend a very warm welcome to our visitors and are looking forward to making more memories.
Location Carson City, 123 E. Main Street, Carson City, Mighigan 48811