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Springville Balloon Festival
From Friday, June 13, 2025
To Saturday, June 14, 2025
Contact Sandy

Admission is FREE for the annual Balloon Fest. This is a two day event on Friday, June 13th and Saturday, June 14th beginning at 6:30 a.m. Come early for this Art City Days tradition and watch the colorful hot air balloons launch from the grass field at Art City Elementary (121 North 900 E). Balloon Fest has a number of balloons scheduled for 2025 which will include tethered balloons for free rides! Balloon Fest also features the Orville Anderson Cup Competition where balloon pilots compete to show off their skills.

Spectators are encouraged to bring blankets and breakfast to sit and eat while watching the balloons fill up and lift off. Along with the excitement of experiencing the balloons up close and personal, prizes and candy are tossed out as each balloon launches. There will be free face painting for the kids and fun for all ages! This is a great event for the community and everyone is encouraged to participate in the fun. Bring a camera to take advantage of some great photo opportunities!




Location Art City Elementary, 121 North 900 East, Springville, Utah 84663
