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Elkhart County 4-H Fair Balloon Chase
From Friday, July 18, 2025
To Saturday, July 26, 2025
Contact 574-533-3247

35th Year, 3 or 4 flights and 1 glow, paid to balloons that glow, 12 - 14 balloons, farm & Amish community, fun competition with $$ purse, largest county fair in Indiana & 3rd largest in US.

The flying area is mostly farm and Amish country-side. The Elkhart Co. 4-H Fair is the largest county fair in Indiana and one of the largest county fairs in the US. The balloons have been a part of the Elkhart Co. 4-H Fair for 26 years.







Location Elkhart County Fair Grounds, 17746 CR 34, Goshen, Indiana 46526
