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Wild West Balloon Festival
From Friday, August 01, 2025
To Sunday, August 03, 2025
Contact Marci Bernard

Jack Way and his wife, Pink, were well-loved in the hot air ballooning community.

Jack, with his oversized moustache and boisterous personality, was the organizer and driving force behind the Wild West Balloon Fest that occurred annually in Cody for 19 years.

But as insurance costs rose and interest in ballooning fell, the Cody hot air balloon event fell with it, ending in 2015.

Soon Jack's health began to fail, as well, and he passed on 2022.

But a handful of dedicated balloon enthusiasts are determined to bring back the festival that Way founded which is why the Wild West Balloon Fest: Jack's Way is being launched this weekend from Mentock Park in Cody.





Location Mentock Park, 901 Blackburn Ave, Cody, Wyoming 82414
