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Metamora Country Days and Hot Air Balloon Festival
From Friday, August 22, 2025
To Saturday, August 23, 2025

Our premier event continues to be Metamora Country Days and Hot Air Balloon Festival. This popular family-friendly celebration draws thousands of visitors to our community during the second to the last weekend of every August. Revelers enjoy local food, music, art, a parade, crafts and activities as well as the launching over 20 hot air balloons on both Friday and Saturday nights, capped off with an extraordinary fireworks display. 44th year.

Weather conditions allowing, the evening sky on Friday and Saturday will be filled with colorful hot air balloons that will launch between 5-8 p.m. from the balloon launch field a few hundred yards south of the Metamora Lions Hall.




Location Harmer Park, Dryden Road and High Street, Metamora, Michigan 48455
