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Northwest Art and Air Festival
From Friday, August 22, 2025
To Sunday, August 24, 2025
Contact Albany Parks and Recreation 541-917-7777

The flying area is in the Willamette Valley with miles and miles of open landing sites. Once the crops have been picked up, almost all of the farmers don't mind if you land on their property. It is always been a favorite of pilots just because of the many open spaces to land. If the winds are calm and go north there is an excellent lake to preform splash and dash's in. More than 60,000 have attended the Northwest Art & Air Festival.

The festival takes place at Timber Linn Park in Albany, just east of the freeway and the airport. Take exit 233 from I-5 and head east and turn left on Price Rd.

The Northwest Art and Air Festival officially began in 2000, although organized balloon rallies had been going on in Albany for many years before that. The event is sponsored by the City of Albany and organized by members of the Parks and Recreation Department. The festival is the city's signature event of the summer, and includes hot air balloon launches each morning, a Night Glow on Friday night, a main stage concert on Saturday night, a car show on Sunday, as well as food and artist booths and other entertainment all weekend long. The event is usually held on the 4th weekend in August.

No smoking, no dogs, no flying of drones on balloon field.






Location Williamette Valley, Timber Linn Memorial Park, Albany, Oregon
