From Friday, August 29, 2025
To Monday, September 01, 2025
Contact Blueberry Office, 888-936-5020,
The launch field at the park can accommodate up to 20 balloons while the school field can hold a few more. The Blueberry Festival is the largest four day festival in Indiana and has been held for over 50 years. The balloon fest is a part of (but separate from) that festival. The Blueberry Festival has about everything imaginable from sporting events (everything from arm wrestling to a motor racing event at the speedway) Baseball, Softball, and Soccer tournaments. One of the largest arts and crafts areas in the State. Carnival, entertainment (including well known artists) and commercial exhibits.
The Blueberry festival itself sponsored a balloon glow for several years before we took over and for about 7 or 8 years before that the airport FBO sponsored a balloon fest and glow during the event which went back to the early or mid 70's.
Location Centennial Park and Riverside Middle School, Plymouth, Indiana 46563