From Thursday, September 25, 2025
To Sunday, September 28, 2025
Contact 330-296-3247
Activities will continue all day and evening at SUNBEAU, where carnival rides and more entertainment for all ages will be provided. A hot air balloon launch is scheduled for early evening. It is a spectacular sight when 20 hot air balloons lift off. The festival will be in the downtown Ravenna area and at the SUNBEAU Valley Farm. This festival was conceived by some enterprising individuals who believed Ravenna should celebrate one of the city's earliest industries, toy balloons manufactured at the Oak Rubber Company. These industrious citizens organized that first celebration and what began as a few small events has swelled into an exciting annual event with something for all age groups.
Location SUNBEAU Valley Farm, 3229 St. Rt. 59, Ravenna, Ohio 44266