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Ruby Mountain Balloon Festival
From Friday, September 19, 2025
To Sunday, September 21, 2025

The 22nd year with an average of 30 balloons flying in an open area with the Ruby Mountains in the background. Few trees, few power lines, livestock and plenty of opportunity for landings. There will be vendors on the field each day. Other events on Sat include the Northeastern Nevada Museum Barn Tour and Man-Mule Race. Point of interest is a drive up Lamoille Canyon which offers a closer look at the towering rugged peaks of the Ruby Mountains. A 13.5 mile paved road carries you around the base of the 11,249 foot Ruby Dome and up the glacially formed canyon. Along the way, signs point out the details of how the valley came into existence. At the road's end, hikers can explore more than 100 miles of trails.




Location Spring Creek Sports Complex, Springfield Parkway off Licht Parkway, Spring Creek, Nevada 89815
