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Women's Nationals FINAL Map and PZ files

Below is a link to the KMZ, GPX, Ozi, Compe, TwoNav and JPG files for the red and yellow PZ's for the 2019 Women's Nationals in Brookfield, MO.

These can be used to load into your map program to supplement the JPG map provided previously.


NOTE: These files were signifcantly changed thanks to the landowner relations team doing some good work to reduce the amount of red PZs. The new files were uploaded at 2:30 PM Eastern time, August 26th. Please discard any previous files and use these files marked FINAL for your mapping needs.

***Also please note that the KMZ and GPZ (Google and MotionX/GPS) files provided for PZs are provided as an additional service by the HACD for those users and are NOT the official PZ waypoints that will be used in the scoring program. Every effort was made to make them very close and the scoring team will use their discretion in the case of a question regarding the extreme edge of a PZ.***

Download files here